Member Recruitment & Retention

Whether it is the beginning of the year, or you are in the middle of a major programming event, now is the perfect time to recruit members.

Your organization should identify the needs of your target audience and take into consideration why they might want to join your organization. It is important to remember that people tend to look for similar things when joining groups.

Group members typically need a:

• Sense of belonging and feeling that they are sincerely welcome and needed

• Sense of sharing in the planning of the group’s objectives

• To feel that the goals and objectives of the group are within reach and make

• To feel that what they do has a real purpose; members also need to feel that their contributions are for the good of the group

• To share in making the group rules

• To know what is expected of them

• To see that progress is being made toward the goals the group has set

• To be kept informed

• To have confidence in the groups leaders’ ability to lead the organization well

• To feel like they are being treated fairly, as well as being recognized for individual accomplishments

• To feel valued and respected

5 Reasons Students Get Involved


The opportunity to learn new skills in management, human relations, accepting responsibilities, learning to recognize and transfer skills.


Special benefits and privileges, acknowledgement from others, and personal satisfaction.


The opportunity to learn new skills in management, human relations, accepting responsibilities, learning to recognize and transfer skills.


Special benefits and privileges, acknowledgement from others, and personal satisfaction.


Making new friends, having fun & satisfaction in accomplishing goals, and serving others.

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